Eu am gasit pagina si cartii astia si am folosito pentru dezvoltarea lui Eric, si sunt surprinza cat de bine se misca si cred ca e ft fericit ca poate face mult care el incerca. mobiiltatea lui si destreza merge ft bine pt varsta lui si cred ca lui va fi de folos pe viitorul lui
Va las pagian si daca vreti vreu un cartii eu l am pe pdf.
Scuzati ca nu pot face traduceri dar, cine vrea mai multe informatii pot sa va dau mai mult cu timp
Salutari si spre ca va intereseaza ... 802.0.htmlThe Institutes for Achievement Human Potential, How to teach your baby to read, How to teach your baby to be physically superb, How to teach your baby math....
The How To Multiply Your Baby's Intelligence Course
The objective of the How To Multiply Your Baby's Intelligence Course is to teach parents about brain growth and development from birth to age six. Parents learn how to evaluate and enrich the early development of their child right after birth
Revised and updated edition by Glenn Doman, Douglas Doman & Bruce Hagy.
Hardcover - 296 pages
The early development of mobility in the newborn baby is a vital part of his future ability to learn and grow to his full potential. The authors show clearly each stage of mobility and how to create an environment that will help the baby to achieve each stage more easily. Full-color charts, photographs, illustrations and precise, easy, detailed instructions help parents to create their own home program.
The team of mother, father and baby exploring and discovering together the joys of human mobility - from the simple but vital stage of crawling to the beginnings of the sophisticated skills of the gymnast - is the most important athletic team the baby will ever be on.